Wednesday 7 July 2010

The Chester Beatty Library


truestarr said...

I loved that place! As a librarian, of course I found it the best museum EVER!

There are so many rare and priceless books in the building. A veritable collection of the crown jewels of books...

Valerie said...

Seems like we'll have to pay another visit. Didn't know about the library. if we had we would certainly have gone to see it. Those chairs are very unusual, but the books would be the real attraction.

steviewren said...

What took so long? I'm interested in knowing more about it after reading truestar's comment.

Blogaire said...

It's funny but you can live and work in a city and never visit the places where tourists visit. When I visit any other city I always seek out and visit historic and important buildings and museums. I still have lots of places to see in my own city, but I really enjoyed the Chester Beatty Library. There was a fascinating exhibition there about the worlds major religions and another amazing exhibition of Chinese art dating back 500 years. I must go back there soon!