Thursday 10 September 2009

Praha: My visit to Prague


Valerie said...

These are first rate pictures of Prague, a place I always wanted to go to. I wonder if the language is easy to cope with.

Blogaire said...

The language is extremely difficult Valerie. It's a bit like Polish but even harder to pronounce and there's a lot of W, Y and Z's in the words.
Having said that I had no problems at all because the Czech's are multilingual and English and German and Polish are widely spoken, especially by the younger generation. I suspect they also spoke Slovakian, (if it's different?)- puts Irish and British people to shame really. But like everywhere you go they really appreciate if you make an effort, even if it's only the basics.

Valerie said...

The Brits are really lazy when it comes to languages. I don't know about the younger generation, they may be better than the oldies. I've always tried to attempt a few words when I go abroad.